When you're out walking, do you smile at everyone you meet? Smiles are free, I give them out as often as I can. Do you stop to compliment the person at the checkout stand at Wal-Mart or other places? I try to always have a kind word, a compliment to pass on to them. You know they hear complaints all day and what a horrible, negative day that can be. It doesn't cost anything to give them something positive, something good. A smile, a kind word. It might help them take a second breath and feel better for the next person.
I've noticed this past year how negative, how angry and just how mean people can be to each other. Social media is a wonderful thing but it also takes away the face to face and allows people to forget there are feelings behind those screen names. Using Facebook, Twitter and other social media accounts to attack someone or bully them is just cowardly and mean. I hate to think that so many people are so unhappy with their own lives that they have to attack another to feel good about themselves. What a miserable life, a miserable person that must be!
We have always been a nation of diversity, yet this past year we have taken so many steps back. Has anyone forgotten where we came from? This nation was founded on diversity! The freedom to worship as you want, that doesn't mean you can force another to worship as you do. The freedom to buy a home wherever you want, that doesn't mean you get to tell everyone else where they can live. The freedom to choose your own career, you do not get to choose the career they have by their nationality or gender. You cannot choose to stump the growth of another because they are possibly doing better than you. Work a little harder, try a little more ... give your best. Where did all the jealousy come from? Be able to lift your head and be proud of who you are and what you've accomplished. Some will always accomplish more and have more, is that really a big deal? If it is, look deep inside yourself and figure out why it's a big deal. Why do you feel you deserve more, have you worked harder, pushed further, given it 100% or are you just expecting everything to be handed to you? This has become an age of entitlement and it saddens me to see it.
Be happy with who you are and what you have. Start there. If you need to improve, do it. But first, be happy with yourself. Be honest with yourself, learn who you are and then befriend you. That's really where it all begins. If you work on yourself, you don't have time to judge everyone else or to be jealous of them or to hate them. It's so much easier to reach out to another and help when you like yourself. No more anger. No more cowardly bullying. No more judging. John 8:7 says, "Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her." That is a clear view of what Jesus thought of judging and bullying. He was always there to help those that were in need. As Christians, we also should be there to help those in need, because being Christian is supposed to mean being Christ like. We are supposed to follow his teachings and do what we know he would want us to. Don't twist that to mean what you want it to, it's clearly written as to how he wanted us to behave. Start with a smile, pass it around and give them out ... as I said earlier, they're free. When you pass a person on the street, don't automatically go to judging the way they are dressed or the color of their hair or skin or how they behave, find something positive about that person. Stop them even, they too may be in a hurry and tell them "I think you have the most beautiful eyes" or "your smile is contagious!" or even "you have such nice posture". There are a million things that you find with each person to compliment. It only takes a few seconds and the more you pass around the better you will feel too.
Today is Open House day for me. It's a beautiful sun shiny day which means I could get a fair amount of traffic. Have a wonderful day everyone and please, love yourself.
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