Sunday, June 3, 2018

Getting Ready for the Homecoming

This is the 10th day in a row that the owl hasn't come.  I'm worried that he's either moved on or something has happened to him.  He's been coming for the last few years.  They are clearing for a new addition on the other side of the greenbelt and perhaps they have removed his home.  How sad would that be?  For whatever reason, he hasn't shown and I miss him.  The woodpecker too has become quiet.  The coyote hasn't returned either although I've heard of sightings of it across the way at Indian Springs addition.  Maybe everything has moved over there because of the noise of the big machines and the clearing.  Sadly my quiet little spot is not so quiet anymore once the sun comes up.  The birds and squirrels don't seem to be bothered but my other woodland friends have all seemed to have scattered.  Maybe they will return when things settle back down. 

I'm doing laundry this morning and last minute touches to the house so that everything will be clean and fresh for the kids in the morning when they arrive.  Rachel would like some No-Bake cookies so I'll make those in a bit and have them ready.  We had a turkey in the freezer that will be cooked tomorrow for the homecoming.  The best part of turkey is what you make from it afterwards.  Turkey pot-pie, turkey salad sandwiches, etc.   There's also a ham that "must" be used while they are here.  So I'll have to figure out a way to make a picnic meal out of the ham.  Maybe with potato salad and baked beans.  Gary acts like they never eat before they get here LOL.  Rachel, Jacob and Phoenix all are great cooks and when we go visit at Christmas they make us the most wonderful meals.  I think he has a little Italian in him somewhere.  But, since it's so important to him, I'll make both these meals for him as well as the fried pork chops with all the southern trimmings that he's requested.  At one time that was Rachel's favorite meal but she's almost 40 now, I'm not sure it's her favorite anymore.  It's a heavy meal.  Last year I needed to see her, I think this year he does. 

When your children are little you prepare yourself for them growing up and becoming independent.  You want them to be.  You want them to be capable adults, able to live independent of you ... and although you are very proud of them as they become so ... you also morn the loss.  The whole time you are preparing your child for adulthood ... you forget to prepare yourself for the separation.  We love our children, admire them and actually like them.  If they weren't our children we would seek them out as people we would want to associate with as friends.  Both are remarkable adults and we really enjoy them. 

Our grandson is turning 15 soon.  In a few years he'll be off to college and starting a life of his own.  I feel like I've missed so much.  Is it normal to feel this way?  Oh well, it's time to get the clothes out of the dryer and throw the others in there.  Lets get those cookies made.  I'll have them with me soon.  Real soon. 

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